Sunday 13 October 2013

I've explained before what animal testing entails, but I feel like I should explain better why I don't believe it's a good thing to test on animals.

Firstly, it's not really a logical idea for me. We're very different from animals. Animals are all different from each other. Why see what a product does to an animal when it could have a much better, or even much worse, effect on people? Most makeup contain the same ingredients anyway, so really there is not a great need to test them anymore on anyone, as the ingredients are already in use. Any new ingredients should, in my opinion, be tested on whoever actually uses this case, people. I also think that if you think a chemical is going to do so much harm that you first try out it's benefits on rodents just in case they probably don't want to use that chemical. Back to the drawing board. Start from scratch. Something safer probably exists!

Secondly, if you're not vegetarian, you should still consider being cruelty free. I am fully aware of the horrific way animals are treated in order for us to eat them, and that's why I'm vegetarian. However, the animals used to test products have no "final purpose" such as becoming food that you can tell yourself justifies the idea. They are solely there to be tortured (literally) until they die.

This is a slightly different post from the usual, but I just wanted to get the point across once again why I believe it's important to at least try becoming cruelty-free.

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